With warming weather, insects come out of hibernation and start looking for food. In their search, they take flight. Sometimes, that flight path collides with that of aircrafts. By simple physics (i.e. difference in mass between the airplane and the bug), we know this is an uneventful incident for us but not the bug. After we land is when we notice this event has happened many times.
Regardless, it is our favorite time of year out there. Summer is a great time to get out and enjoy flying. Unfortunately, with this beauty comes a few nuances that must be dealt with -- bugs. We may not see them, but they are present every time we fly. They especially become visible after a flight on the leading edge and nose of airplanes. Fortunately for you, you have SmartWash, your airplane detailing specialists!
A word of advice. Bugs are easier to remove in the first few hours they are fresh on the aircraft. After that, it gets harder to remove. We highly recommend a quick trip wash to help your aircraft always looking clean, elegant, and ready to get some more bugs! Enjoy Summer 2012.